Sunday, November 20, 2011

Anish Kapoor

Anish Kapoor

Anish kapoor
When it comes to art
I do not do high brow
Art is all around us
and for me
if something catalyses a strong emotion
a love
a fascination
a disgust
a confusion
a desire
that could be my art
but it may not be yours
Anish kapoor 2 
One thing though that I LOVE about 'art' is the urge to share and discuss
I watched a documentary
where Anish Kapoor spoke about
Five of the academy's rooms in central London will be taken up by Svayambh
a huge block of red wax that moves very slowly on rails
leaving a residue in its wake
At three metres tall and two and a half wide
the block is too big to fit through the doors
so it will deposit wax on the frames as it squeezes through
For me this piece has left a haunting memory in my mind
was that the aim ?
and slightly repulsed
I am fascinated
compelled to go and see it
yet slightly frightened
For me this IS art

♥ dommie ♥

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